
個人情報保護方針 Privacy policy

個人情報保護方針 Personal Information Protection Policy

Daimon Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") considers that trust from customers is the top priority, and it is an important responsibility for us to treat information related to customers individually in an accurate and confidential manner.
Therefore, we establish the "Personal Information Protection Policy" on the personal information of our customers and practice thorough handling to all employees and related companies regarding the handling method of personal information.
Its contents are as follows. In addition, regarding personal information already owned and used by our company, we will handle customer's personal information in accordance with this policy.

個人情報の取り扱いについて Handling of personal information

(1) Acquisition of personal information
We collect personal information by lawful and fair means. When we request the customer to provide personal information, after disclosing the purpose of collection and content of use in advance, within the scope of our legitimate business, to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose, we collect personal information.

(2) Use and joint use of personal information
We will use the personal information we have deposited within the scope of the consent of the person who received the personal information and within the scope of the purpose of collection. Regarding the purpose of use, within the scope of the scope of purpose of use described below, we will use the items necessary to achieve the purpose within the scope of our legitimate business.
● Scope of usage purpose
・ When contacting in business
・ When providing information on products and services handled by our company
・ When responding to inquiries or requests from customers
・ Others, in cases where the purpose is to inform the customer in advance and to obtain consent
● Use except the above-mentioned purpose
If it is necessary to use customer's personal information for any purpose other than the above, customer's consent will be obtained for its use, unless permitted by law.

(3) Third party provision of personal information
We do not provide cutomer's personal information to third parties without customer's consent. However, this does not apply if there are special circumstances such as legal obligations that the Company should follow due to laws and other regulations applied to personal information.

(4) Procedures for disclosure and correction of personal information
If the customer would like to inquire, correct or delete personal information provided by the customer, please request it from the contact point. Disclosure, correction, or deletion of customer's personal information within a reasonable period, as long as it can be confirmed by the customer itself, except in cases where such a request causes a significant hindrance to our business.

(5) Fees required to disclose personal information
We may request the disclosure requester (who is identified as the customer) to bear the fee required for disclosure etc., but in that case we will clarify this in advance and bear the burden.

個人情報の保護に関する法令・規範の遵守について Compliance with laws and regulations

We will comply with applicable personal information protection laws and regulations that apply to personal information held by our company. In addition, this policy is determined by Japanese law and other norms. This policy establishes the basic policy regarding the handling of personal information of our company, and in accordance with this policy, we strive to protect personal information based on laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act.

個人情報の安全管理措置について Security Management Measures for Personal Information

We will protect from unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage of personal information, etc., maintain a management system to ensure accuracy and safety, and implement appropriate security measures. In addition to restricting the outsider's access to the office handling personal information, conduct education and enlightenment activities for all officers and staff involved in the protection of personal information of our company, and place a person in charge of management, and we will try appropriately to manage personal information.

継続的な改善について Continuous improvement

We will continuously review and improve efforts to protect personal information in order to respond to changes in laws, handling methods, and environmental changes that Japan must comply with.

お問い合わせ For your inquiry


Inquiries regarding the handling of personal information are available at the following contact.

≪株式会社だいもん≫ Daimon Co., Ltd.

〒375-0002 群馬県藤岡市立石605-7  605-7 Tateishi, Fujioka-shi, Gunma 375-0002 Japan

TEL:0274-42-6649(代表) FAX:0274-50-6456

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 FAX 0274-50-6456

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